About BistroMD Weight Loss Meals
When most people think of BistroMD they will think of a weight loss diet plan. We believe their program can equally service seniors and family caretakers as a senior prepared meal delivery service that offers great value.
- BistroMD recently launched Silver Cuisine, a senior meal delivery service with a la carte ordering. Read our Silver Cuisine review.
We have personally purchased and photographed Bistro MD prepared meals for this review. A tremendous amount of thought went into these meals that would benefit seniors and the elderly looking for regular meal delivery service solutions.
They are all pretty good, and above average in quality and portion size. The are economical at about $130 a week for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They offer a variety of meal plans from 5 to seven days a week, and with, or without breakfast. One of the cool features we liked was that a week’s worth of meals would fit in most freezers. In fact, they fit on one shelf in our storage freezer.
Our BistroMD Reviews
They don’t taste nutritionally balanced. Most seniors will have some form of medical condition that will require a diet adjustment. These meals support weight loss, diabetes, high blood pressure diets, and “healthy eating” is good for anyone else who may not have any medical conditions.
The offer automatic delivery, where the same menu comes the following week. It is easy to cancel, and there are not termination fees like other weight loss programs bury in their fine print.
These is an option online where you can make meals changes for the next delivery. It’s not so easy to figure out and do, but BistroMD customer is one of the best out there, and they can help you make changes if you so desire.
BistroMD Review of their Senior Meals and Prepared Meal Delivery Service
We mentioned the food is pretty good, but it’s actually better than that. Some of the meals we tried (and we tried them all over the years) are comparable to higher priced meal from other meal delivery services. Some in the $10 to $14 range for just one meal!
- Their breakfasts may be the best available from national meal delivery services.
- The delivery box is not oversized, or very heavy. Probably the easiest boxes for seniors to carry.
BistroMD meals are packaged with as much attention as their meals. The labels are easy to read, and the reheating process is flawless.